How I stopped looking at porn and how you can too!

I used to think porn was harmless. If anything, I even thought it was good for me. The fact that it didn’t cost me anything and that it was healthy. Two great combinations for addiction.

I would look at porn daily. Then finally I started to wonder if this was affecting anything regarding my brain chemistry or self-perception. I tried to quit multiple times and would soon find my way back on porn a few days later.

The porn was just too good. I enjoyed it and it was harmless which is what I kept telling myself.  

 I then said that enough is enough and read up on it and to my amazement learned about the massive negative effects.

Porn activates your dopamine, and we feel good in the moment when we look at it. More specifically, we’re cheating our brains into thinking that you’re meeting all these women. Then you’re tricking your brain & body into orgasm as a result.

 If you think about it. It’s the most potent natural stimulus that our brain can produce.

And guess why? Because it’s hard to find a suitable mate. With porn we’re tricking our brains into thinking that we’ve found a mate and had intercourse. And we’re doing this consistently over long periods of time.

This greatly affects your brain chemistry and dopamine reserves. We have a limited amount of dopamine and if we are consistently using it with porn then we’ll have less for any other day to day tasks. You’re paying a hidden price here. Nothing is free.

 Also, porn –

- Causes laziness & physical weakness.

- Lowers testosterone.

- Erodes your confidence.

- Consumes valuable time and energy.

- Destroys motivation.

- Encourages loneliness.

- Destroys your self-respect. 

At the end of the day, what helped me quit porn was understanding what it was secretly doing to my brain and body. Once you understand how bad it is then it becomes easier to stop.

Then it just simply becomes a matter of controlling your mind. Controlling those urges and your actions on a day-to-day basis.

In the beginning, it’s tough. But, I promise, becomes easier overtime.  In the end, you’ll gain a ton of self-respect, and you’ll start to notice yourself enjoy the little things that come about your day more.

Let’s keep winning!