The Power of Exercise

Exercise Versus Cholesterol

Did you know that exercise is a powerhouse when it comes to battling high cholesterol? The American Heart Association sheds light on this by pointing out a dynamic duo of culprits for high cholesterol: a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight.

Here's the scoop:

Cholesterol woes often stem from an accumulation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), a type of protein that shuttles cholesterol around the body 

Enter exercise, the hero of our story. Physical activity boosts levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) – our body's natural defense against LDL's sinister buildup.

And the evidence? A study in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology confirms this, revealing that active individuals have higher HDL levels.

So, exercise isn't just about breaking a sweat; it's about breaking down LDL with a rise in HDL.

Wondering about the right dose of exercise 

The magic happens with aerobic activities that pump up your heart rate and engage various muscle groups. The American Heart Association's prescription: at least 30 minutes of dedicated exercise, five to seven days a week.

Here's a hit-list of cholesterol-crushing exercises:

- Pedal pushing (Cycling)

- Pounding the pavement (Running or jogging)

- Making a splash (Swimming)

- Finding your flow (Yoga)

- Lifting your spirits (and weights!) (Weightlifting)

Remember, some movement beats no movement. Missed a workout? Opt for a brisk walk, choose stairs over elevators, and sneak in some jumping jacks or burpees.

From personal experience, I find a mix of weightlifting and cardio to be the golden ticket. Did you know weightlifting can help ferry away LDL cholesterol? It's not just about bulking up; it's about cleaning up your bloodstream.

According to BMC Public Health, merging resistance with aerobic exercise may trump doing either alone, leading to greater weight and fat loss.

So, lace-up, gear up, and get moving!

Also, I’m looking for 5 people who are looking to seriously lose weight and build muscle in the next 2-3 months. If you’re interested reach out and we can schedule an introductory consultation call!