Let's Finally Build Some Muscle!

The single most important ingredient for muscle gain & fat loss


That’s it.

It’s the single most important ingredient out there for muscle gain & fat loss.

Why you ask?

 It simply helps to repair and maintain muscle tissue.

You need to eat 0.8 x your body weight in LBS. And you need to do that every single day. 

Consuming less protein has been linked with a decrease in muscle mass.

Also, muscle proteins are broken down consistently and built up again.

You need to consume more protein then what is broken down. If you’re not

consuming protein then your body will break down muscle to provide your

body the amino acids needed to function.

And if your goal is to build muscle and get rid of fat then it’s even more important.

You might want to lose weight but you don’t want that loss in weight be due to

a decrease in muscle mass.

You only want to get rid of fat. Protein will help you achieve this and keep you

Satiated throughout the day.

Some other ingredients that are also essential

- 7-9 hours of sleep

- Weightlifting 4 – 5X per week

- No alcohol consumption

If you do this and combine the other ingredients you will see phenomenal results. To your success!

I’m looking for 3 high performers who want to get in celebrity body shape in the 6 months. If you’re interested then schedule your free discovery call!