I'm Going to be Honest...

The Worst Addiction

I’m going to be honest …

I use to be addicted to vaping. I started when I lived in Australia and then continued after I graduated from college.

I would wake up and search for my vape for about thirty minutes before I can continue with my day. I would talk to people for the sole reason of taking a hit from their vape. I loved the head rush. It was addicting.

Then I started getting these insane cough attacks when I would go to sleep and wake up. I lived with my sister for a bit in New York City and she was beginning to get worried. She told me that it would be a good idea to quit.

 Easier said than done. I started researching the negative effects of nicotine 

- Changes the chemistry in your brain and is linked with an increase in psychiatric disorders.

- Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and prevents nutrients from getting to the skin. This causes premature aging and wrinkles.

- Nicotine narrows the arteries, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

I knew how bad vaping was and how much it was killing me. I needed to stop. My life depended on it.

So, I let it go for a couple of weeks and then I relapsed. Although I never gave up my mental willpower increased.

I was finally able to quit and haven’t smoked a vape for about 6 years and never will I ever again.

The best thing that you can do is quit and it’s all in the mind. If you can control your mind you can quit. If you tell yourself, you won’t be able to then you never will.

Start with alternatives to vaping and then completely step away from it. Trust me it’s worth it. You’ll feel much better and healthier.

Here is a photo of me when I was vaping. 

Here is a photo me now vape FREE!

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