The Exercise you NEED to start doing!


The Exercise you NEED to start doing!

September 2nd

There is nothing more attractive than being fit and having ABS. When you are a fit individual, it shows so many positive qualities and characteristics about yourself: Discipline, consistency, delayed gratification & hard work among others. The fit version of yourself will experience more opportunities, success, and attraction from women. That is a FACT!

There is one exercise though that is the holy grail of exercises. This exercise will keep you in shape around the clock. It will make sure that your body is toned, work all of your muscles at once and give you that cardiovascular boost that we all look for: BURPEES

I know what you are thinking: “I hate burpees.” I understand but there’s a reason why you hate them. Because they are SO EFFECTIVE!

You should start doing them every day. I’m not even joking. Do them in small increments.

Start with 10 each day then increase to twenty. The health benefits are insane and you will get jacked without even realizing.

- You’ll get your heart rate up

- Help you burn calories and fat quickly

- Will work your core for that six pack

- Will improve mobility, posture and balance

- You can do them anywhere

- It’s a complete workout

- You’re working out everything

- Increase your mental toughness

In terms of overall cardio though, switch it up. Don’t stick to running, bike or a specific form every day. Keep it interesting and start mixing up. Add some burpees to increase that difficulty.

Get after it and let’s have a phenomenal weekend.

