Do you drink enough water?

Importance of water when building muscle

First and foremost, the significance of adequate water intake cannot be overstated. Not only is it vital for your overall health, but it also plays a crucial role in muscle development. Remarkably, water constitutes a staggering 76% of muscle mass. Let's dive into the details.

Water acts as the fundamental building block for every cell in your body, comprising approximately 60–75% of the human body according to various sources.

In summary, water serves several essential functions:

  • Flushes waste

  • Cushions the brain

  • Facilitates nutrient transportation

  • Aids the heart in pumping blood to various parts of our bodies

When it comes to training, the role of water becomes even more important. During workouts, we lose a considerable amount of water, underscoring the importance of hydrating before, during, and after exercise. Losing just 2% of your body weight in fluids can lead to a 25% decline in workout performance and is crucial for preventing exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD).

Insufficient water intake results in decreased muscle efficiency, leading to reduced lifting capacity and quicker fatigue. This is primarily due to compromised blood flow and electrolyte imbalances, ultimately affecting muscle-building capabilities.

Dehydration amplifies the perception of pain, while adequate water lubricates the joints. Thus, staying hydrated optimizes mobility and minimizes the risk of injuries or discomfort.

Crucially, water plays a pivotal role in ensuring muscles receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for optimal growth.

Identifying signs of dehydration is imperative. Feeling tired or experiencing muscle cramps are primary indicators, while sluggishness, irritability, and dryness of the mouth, lips, and eyes are additional signals.

Even the color of urine can serve as a dehydration gauge; darker hues suggest a need for increased water intake.

For people that train consistently, a recommended water intake ranges from 3.5 to 7 liters. To ensure proper hydration, consider tracking your daily water intake or invest in a BPA-free water bottle. Enhance the water's taste by adding slices of lemon or cucumber for a refreshing twist.