Biggest food lies you've been told

Big pharma has spent billions of dollars trying to influence your food choices, often at the expense of your health. 

They’ve made billions of dollars as a result.

Here are the biggest foods lies you’ve been told:

• They lied about eggs

Eggs were blamed for high cholesterol and heart disease.

Studies show dietary cholesterol has little impact on blood cholesterol.

In fact, eggs are incredibly nutrient dense, packed with protein, healthy fats and choline for brain health. 

• They lied about red meat

We’ve all been told that too much red meat can cause heart disease.

However, it’s not red meat that’s the problem, it’s the ultra-processed food and lack of exercise. 

Grass fed red meat is filled with protein, B vitamins, iron, and creatine.

• They lied about saturated fat

Saturated fat was blamed for heart disease. However, not only is this false but your body needs saturated fat for hormone production, brain function and overall health. 

• They lied about cholesterol

Cholesterol builds hormones, supports brain health, and maintains cell integrity.

Inflammation-not cholesterol-is the real driver of heart disease. 

• They lied about salt

Your body relies on salt for hydration, nerve function, and muscle performance.

• They lied about sugar

Refined sugar is what you need to worry about. Sugar from natural sources like fruit are often mitigated by the amount of fiber you receive as well. 

Excess sugar leads to insulin resistance, obesity and chronic inflammation.

• They lied about vegetable oils

They were marketed as “heart healthy” but fuel inflammation and metabolic dysfunction.

Replacing them with butter, olive oil, and tallow is a much better choice. 

• They lied about butter

Butter is rich in vitamins A, D, and K2, supporting brain and hormone health.

Will improve your health contrary to what you’ve been told.

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