Why You Aren't Seeing Results

Avoid Plateaus

There comes a time when you get started in your fitness journey. You’re working out consistently and the results start to show rapidly. At least that was the case for me specifically.

You go through bouts of excessive DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and your muscles begin to grow and develop. It’s incredibly exciting! People start to recognise the changes and you stay motivated as a result.

The reason why muscles grow is because of the amount of stress they endure. Muscles are used to a certain level of stress and, when we start to lift weights, that stress increases. As a result, our body develops muscle tissue to account for that added stress.

The thing is, for seasoned athletes or gym goers, people tend to hit a wall. They stop seeing the progress compared to when they started.

And the answer is simply due to muscle stress. Your muscles have adapted to the level of stress each gym session and your work outs have become easy.

This was the case for me specifically. I stopped seeing results because my muscles became use to my workout routine.

So, what do you do in this situation? The answer is progressive overload.

You need to incrementally increase the stress in each gym session so that you experience further gains/strength. You also want to make sure that the increase isn’t so high that your body has a negative response.

You can either increase the weight, amount of repetitions or simply the number of times that you weight lift.  I’d personally recommend increasing the weight or repetition count.

 How do you do this? You need to track your workouts because there is no way you’ll remember. I personally use an app called Strong to help me with this.

Because of progressive overload, I am now continuing to reach further highs and you could too!

Right now, I’m looking for 3 busy professionals who want to lose 15+ LBS of fat and build solid lean muscle in 3-6+ months. Satisfaction and results guaranteed or your money back. Interested? Schedule your free consultation call here: https://calendly.com/wendell-ndg/30min