A health risk you're probably not aware about..

Excessive Sodium Consumption

Today we’re going to talk about a health risk you’re probably not aware about.

Excessive sodium consumption.

Your body does need sodium, but only a small amount. Anything other than that and it starts to pose a health risk.

- Increases your blood pressure

- Increases risk of heart attack and stroke

- Increases risk of kidney disease

- Increases risk of stomach cancer

Also, a diet containing too much sodium speeds up the aging process. 

Your body only needs about 1,500 milligrams of it daily and the average American takes in about 3,400 milligrams (almost double!)

Obviously, I don’t expect you to actually count up the actual amount of sodium you’re eating but here are some signs that you’re eating too much!

- Your stomach bothers you

- You feel weak

- You aren’t sleeping well

- You use the restroom a lot

- You’re thirsty

- You’re puffy (especially around the face)

So, now that you’ve realised you’re probably eating to much sodium how can you reduce it going forward?

Follow these guidelines:

- Only eat fresh single ingredient foods

- Choose low sodium products (less then 120mg/100g sodium)

- Cook with little added salt (use herbs and spices instead)

- Think twice before adding sauce (look at the nutrition label!)

- Eliminate processed foods

I for one am big on salt and recently realised that I’m consuming WAY too much. The first step to minimising any activity or ingredient is becoming aware. Once you’re aware of the consequences then you can decide if you want to take action or not.

If you’re seriously looking to transform your body and mind then feel free to checkout this page to learn more about the Elevate Method.