7 Signs You Aren't Drinking Enough Water

Importance of Water

In today’s post we’re going to discuss 7 signs you aren’t drinking enough water and clarify how much water you should drink daily

1) Dry skin

2) Dry mouth and bad breath

3) Headaches

4) Tiredness

5) Gaining weight (drinking as little as 500ml can boost your metabolism by 30%)

6) Constipation

7) Moodiness

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine you should drink about 15.5 cups (3.7) liters if you’re a man and 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters if you’re a woman.

To put that into gallons, that’s about 0.97 gallons of water for men and 0.71 gallons of water for women.

Why should you drink water you ask? Well here are some benefits.

- Lubricates the joints

- Forms saliva and mucus

- Delivers oxygen throughout the body

- Boosts skin health and beauty

- Cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues

- Regulates body temperature

- Digestive system depends on it

- Flushes body waste

- Helps maintain blood pressure

- Airways need it

- Makes mineral and nutrients accessible

- Prevents kidney damage

- Boosts performance during exercise

- Helps with weight loss

So do your body a favour and opt for that glass of water over soda or fruit juice.

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